HPV Diagnosis
Diagnosing Genital Warts
HPV & Cervical Screening
Screening for HPV-Associated Cancers
New HPV Screening Test
In September 2023, a Human Papillomavirus (HPV) screening test became the new method for cervical screening in Aotearoa New Zealand. This test is for the high-risk Human Papillomavirus (HrHPV) types which may lead to cell changes that could cause cervical cancer. Most positive HrHPV tests never develop into cancer.
In most cases, this new HPV test replaces the need for a speculum examination (known as a pap smear) as part of cervical screening. The HPV test can be done as a simple vaginal swab. You can choose whether you would like to do a self-test or have the swab performed by a clinician.
Having a positive HrHPV test does not mean you will have or will get cancer. After a positive test you can be monitored by colposcopy through the cervical screening programme. This ensures that if abnormal cells are detected they can be treated, if necessary, well before they may ever develop into cancer.
There are no diagnostic or screening tests for HrHPV for males. There is no need to do anything.