HPV Diagnosis
Diagnosing Genital Warts
HPV & Cervical Screening
Screening for HPV-Associated Cancers
New HPV Screening Test
HPV is very common and most of us will have an HPV infection at some point in our lives.
The HPV virus is good at "hiding" and a person usually won't know if they have or have not got HPV. Being a carrier of HPV without any symptoms is common and normal as the majority of people with HPV don't know they have it.
A person will know if they have HPV if they have visible genital warts or if they have a positive HPV test result as part of cervical screening. Those tests are still limited in terms of which HPV types they test for.
HPV tests used for cervical screening are geared to high-risk HPV types and these do not include all the types of HPV.
Unfortunately, there is no test for HPV in either males or females that will test for all the types of HPV. This means that HPV testing is not part of a routine sexual health check up.